Contact: Adam   

"I’m a freelance creative director by day, and by night (or work shortage) I’m a graphic artist with a special interest in simplification, it turns out. I’ve always enjoyed living where we do. For me, Jess and the kids now, that’s Eastbourne, but it was Hastings for a long time for younger me. And although hugely different both are special places which I see as servicing different parts of my heart and soul. As my young kids grow I like the idea that instead of feeling ashamed of where they come from, which convention dictates, they might have an appreciation. A few images can’t change the world, but I like the idea that, simplified, the beauty and richness of our county is suddenly undeniable. If you can find 26 things to talk about, and we all know there are a lot more, you can’t say there isn’t something worth celebrating. And, deep down, I think that wherever their future’s carry them, having a love of their home might just mean they visit occasionally – see their old man, you know? I’m not sure where this project will go next, but I want to carry on working with schools (15 across the region have to date put up a-z or counting posters), to help them meet new needs to use their surroundings as learning triggers. So expect to see a pre-cursive, phonically sound, A-Z soon, and other things as teachers and heads offer their feedback and needs."

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